
Which Cpu Register Holds The Address Of Next Instruction


Memory: Addresses and data

The memory of a computer physically consists usually of a series of bits, each of which has a low or a loftier voltage. These bits are organised in groups of $.25 known as a discussion.

Words may be used to store information or instructions. A plan consists of a serial of words, each represents one "instruction" which corresponds to one elementary operation which the CPU tin execute using an execution unit of measurement (due east.g. the Integer Unit, Floating Betoken Unit, Branch Unit).

How does the CPU specify 1 particular didactics? It sends out an address to the memory (by placing the required value on the accost bus). This is a binary number - a design of bits, each either 0 and 1 - which is put equally a pattern of depression and high voltages on a gear up of wires, connecting the CPU to the program memory.

The accost bus specifies the retentivity location upon which the adjacent performance will accept place, in this case, where in retentiveness the CPU will find the next instruction. When a discussion of memory is selected, the CPU sends a control signal to the retentiveness to "read" the value stored at the location, which causes the retentiveness to place the stored pattern of bits on the data bus, where it may be read past the CPU.

The annals which stores the accost of the next instruction is called the program counter. Usually after each didactics is executed, the plan counter increases by 1 (hence the use of the discussion counter) so that it contains the address of the next instruction. Hence a program consists primarily of a list of instructions; and the program counter allows the CPU to pace through the list, performing 1 instruction afterward some other. Thus a hidden simply implied part of every teaching is change the program counter to comprise the address of the next instruction.

Information technology is important to distinguish between the address at which an instruction is stored, and the contents of that address.


The CPU besides contains registers in the Integer Unit of measurement which can be read from and written to. They are called general purpose registers.

There are also special purpose registers used for specific tasks:

PC Program Counter (points to side by side educational activity)
IR Instruction Rgeister ("Value" of current pedagogy)
SR Status Register (Status flags after executing instructions)
SP Stack Arrow (points to side by side free location on the stack)
SF Stack Frame (used to locate program variables)

The program counter

The CPU contains a number of special purpose registers; the most important of these is called the program counter. The plan counter contains the address of the next instruction.

The program counter is usually the same width (number of $.25) as the address jitney. It is quite common in computer systems to have more retentiveness space than bodily memory. If xiii but bits were used, the retentiveness could contain 8K instructions. If 24 $.25 were used it could address sixteen MB of memory.

Commonly the contents of the program counter are automatically increased by one during every teaching. Thus the processor executes the instructions in a listing 1 by one. There are other possibilities, to let jumping (branching or process calls) to another part of the programme. This is done by altering the contents of the program counter.

Data Retentiveness

In addition to the retentivity in which the instructions are stored (program retention) at that place is also memory in which data is stored. The information memory is ordinarily Random Admission Memory (RAM) (or sometimes RWM, read/write memory) in dissimilarity to the program memory which may be either RAM or ROM.

The most common fashion in which a programme runs is from one educational activity to the adjacent in the memory.

address INST1 11 INST2 12 INST3 thirteen INST4 xiv

The plan counter is automatically incremented past one afterwards each instruction then that the next education tin can exist loaded. Even so in that location are situations where you want to transfer the execution of the plan to somewhere else. For instance, if you wanted to make an endless loop for some purpose, in which the computer executed the same set of instructions repeatedly, you would desire to jump dorsum to the starting time. This means loading the program counter with something different. We shall consider different means of controlling what the adjacent instruction is; that is, controlling the menstruation of the program.

see also Co-operative Instructions

Reading and Writing

If the CPU puts out an accost, and then the contents of that address appear on the data lines (e.g. as an education) this is the operation of reading. (Due north.B. In a Harvard Architecture, the instructions in the program memory can only be read, they cannot be written; this memory is effectively ROM - Read Only Memory.)

2 kinds of operation are possible; reading, in which the CPU specifies an address in the data retention, sets the Read/Write command wire to "read", and the information at that address appears on the information autobus.

The CPU can also write data to the data retention; in this instance the CPU specifies both the address and the information, and sets the Read/Write control wire to "write", the information is then written to the specified address. (Reading data corresponds to activating the Output Enable on the three state output of the CPU connected to the information motorcoach; writing data corresponds to activating the Latch.

Harvard and von Neumann Architectures

There are 2 means in which the estimator memory used for storing instructions may be organised.

The program memory and the data retentivity may exist quite separate (they could even use RAM with a unlike width e.yard.14 bits for the plan instructions, and 8 bits for the data) and different full numbers of addresses. This is an example of a Harvard compages. It is used primarily by microcontroller CPUs.

The other basic way of designing a computer, and by far the about common is to use ane single retentivity organization for both program and information. The address system is used for both the instructions (stored as one or ii sixteen bit numbers) which class the plan, and for the data of diverse kinds (viii chip bytes or longer words). This is called the von Neumann architecture.

In a von Neumann architecture, the pedagogy has first to be fetched, using the program counter; and then it can be executed. Since when the didactics is executed, it may also read or write information, you often cannot load one instruction and execute some other at the same fourth dimension. So the basic sequence in a von-Neuman architecture organization is


This means that such a system may be slower. On the other hand, it has great advantages of flexibility, and the efficient employ of retention caches can do a swell deal to mitigate the apparent slowness of the compages.

For example, what happens when yous load up a game from disk into your computer? The program is stored as data, for example on a disc. Yous take to read that information, and store it in the retention of your computer. When y'all have done that, you can treat information technology every bit a program, (i.e. every bit a set of instructions) and run (execute) it. With a von Neumann compages, since you have only 1 retentivity system, there is no trouble; but with a Harvard architecture, you lot cannot do it - yous cannot write information to the program memory - a special arrangement is required to load the program into program memory.

The Harvard compages likewise prevents you reading data from the program memory. For instance, yous may wish to include in your program tables of data, which can exist used by the program; for example, messages to exist displayed on the screen, or some kind of "look-up table". In a von Neumann architecture in that location is no problem; yous tin just store the table forth with your program, and read it when y'all want to, because an teaching tin read information from whatever address; in a Harvard architecture, data stored in the plan memory cannot exist read every bit data in the data retentiveness. There are ways to get round this problem.

A von Neumann compages is used for most computers; it allows the storing and running of dissimilar programs. A Harvard compages is more appropriate for a microcontroller; in utilise, information technology will only e'er run 1 plan which volition be stored in the ROM in its program retentivity. Moreover, the extra speed without the complication of a sophisticated cache controller will be useful in some circumstances.


To speed operation of the CPU many computers use what is called a "pipeline system". What this means is that you lot divide up the operation of an instruction into divide parts, which take to exist washed one after the other; merely you arrange that while one role of ane instruction is beingness done, earlier parts of subsequently instructions are being done. For instance, consider a four stage pipeline; if each stage takes 100 nsec, and then it takes a total of 400 nsec to completely process an educational activity; simply really the throughput of the machine can be one didactics every 100nsec, since four different parts of four different instructions are being done at the same time.

So, while teaching ane instruction is being executed, another is requesting the source data, the results of a previous operation are being written back, and another new instruction is beingness fetched.

RISC and CISC processors

These acronyms correspond "Reduced Instruction Fix Figurer" and Circuitous Instruction Ready Estimator". This gives a label to two different philosophies in designing computers. In a RISC processor, there are a fairly small number of adequately simple instructions. Each of these instructions does one simple functioning, and at nearly one source value needs to exist fetched from memory. In such a processor, the instructions can execute very rapidly. However, some operations require a whole series of instructions: for example, to multiply two eight bit numbers, in that location is no single didactics; you demand a whole list of instructions.

In a CISC processor, ane instruction can do a whole sequence of operations, , for example you can multiply two floating signal numbers and add together a third (a + b*c) all in ane instruction; other processors do even more complex things in one teaching.

(Northward.B. Floating point units always operate over a variable number of clock cycles

Advantages of RISC:

  1. Speed; simple instructions execute faster; if they are carefully called, the whole program goes faster. A constant execution charge per unit too simplifies design of a pipeline or cache controller.
  2. Simplicity; RISC processors are easier to design and build; and in some ways they are easier to program, since there are fewer instructions to learn.
  3. High level languages (like C) often practice not use many of the specialised instructions; the instructions of a RISC processor are frequently designed to make a language like C work efficiently; the designers concentrate on instructions which will make C work fast.

Disadvantages of RISC

  1. Each didactics is so simple, therefore programs may need to be longer, because it takes more instructions to exercise each operation. (Example: if there is no instruction to copy data from 1 memory location to another; you would accept to motion it from the retentivity to a annals, and then from the register to the retentiveness using a pair of instructions)
  2. Computers using instructions specially tailored for one purpose may be very efficient; some computers are specially designed with circuitous instructions to efficiently perform item operations.

See likewise:

EG2069 Dwelling Page

Authot: Gorry Fairhurst (Email: One kingdom of great britain and northern ireland)

Which Cpu Register Holds The Address Of Next Instruction,


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