General-Purpose Register

Cortex-M3 Nuts

Joseph Yiu , in The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3 (2nd Edition), 2010

3.1 Registers

As we've seen, the Cortex™-M3 processor has registers R0 through R15 and a number of special registers. R0 through R12 are general purpose, simply some of the sixteen-chip Thumb® instructions can only access R0 through R7 (low registers), whereas 32-chip Thumb-2 instructions tin can admission all these registers. Special registers accept predefined functions and can simply exist accessed past special register admission instructions.

3.1.ane Full general Purpose Registers R0 through R7

The R0 through R7 general purpose registers are also called low registers. They can be accessed past all sixteen-bit Thumb instructions and all 32-bit Thumb-2 instructions. They are all 32 bits; the reset value is unpredictable.

3.1.two General Purpose Registers R8 through R12

The R8 through R12 registers are likewise called high registers. They are accessible by all Thumb-two instructions just not by all 16-flake Thumb instructions. These registers are all 32 bits; the reset value is unpredictable (see Figure 3.1).

Figure 3.ane. Registers in the Cortex-M3.

3.1.3 Stack Pointer R13

R13 is the stack pointer (SP). In the Cortex-M3 processor, there are ii SPs. This duality allows two separate stack memories to be gear up. When using the register proper noun R13, you tin only access the current SP; the other one is inaccessible unless y'all utilise special instructions to move to special register from general-purpose register (MSR) and move special register to general-purpose annals (MRS). The two SPs are as follows:

Main Stack Pointer (MSP) or SP_main in ARM documentation: This is the default SP; it is used by the operating system (Bone) kernel, exception handlers, and all application codes that require privileged access.

Process Stack Pointer (PSP) or SP_process in ARM documentation: This is used by the base-level awarding code (when not running an exception handler).

Stack PUSH and Pop

Stack is a retention usage model. Information technology is simply office of the organisation memory, and a pointer annals (inside the processor) is used to make it work as a offset-in/last-out buffer. The common use of a stack is to save register contents before some data processing and and then restore those contents from the stack subsequently the processing task is done.

Figure 3.two. Bones Concept of Stack Memory.

When doing Push button and POP operations, the arrow register, commonly called stack pointer, is adapted automatically to prevent next stack operations from corrupting previous stacked information. More than details on stack operations are provided on later part of this chapter.

Information technology is not necessary to use both SPs. Uncomplicated applications can rely purely on the MSP. The SPs are used for accessing stack memory processes such as PUSH and POP.

In the Cortex-M3, the instructions for accessing stack memory are Push and POP. The assembly language syntax is equally follows (text afterward each semicolon [;] is a annotate):

Push   {R0}   ; R13=R13-4, and so Memory[R13] = R0

POP   {R0}   ; R0 = Retentivity[R13], then R13 = R13 + 4

The Cortex-M3 uses a total-descending stack organization. (More detail on this subject field can exist found in the "Stack Memory Operations" section of this chapter.) Therefore, the SP decrements when new data is stored in the stack. Button and Pop are usually used to salve register contents to stack memory at the start of a subroutine and and then restore the registers from stack at the cease of the subroutine. Y'all tin Push or Popular multiple registers in i instruction:


  PUSH   {R0-R7, R12, R14} ; Save registers

  ...   ; Do your processing

  POP   {R0-R7, R12, R14} ; Restore registers

  BX   R14   ; Return to calling office

Instead of using R13, yous tin employ SP (for SP) in your program codes. Information technology means the same matter. Inside program lawmaking, both the MSP and the PSP can exist called R13/SP. However, you can access a particular 1 using special register admission instructions (MRS/MSR).

The MSP, as well chosen SP_main in ARM documentation, is the default SP after power-up; information technology is used past kernel code and exception handlers. The PSP, or SP_process in ARM documentation, is typically used past thread processes in system with embedded Os running.

Because register PUSH and POP operations are ever word aligned (their addresses must exist 0x0, 0x4, 0x8, ...), the SP/R13 bit 0 and bit 1 are hardwired to 0 and e'er read equally goose egg (RAZ). Link Register R14

R14 is the link register (LR). Inside an assembly programme, yous can write it as either R14 or LR. LR is used to store the return plan counter (PC) when a subroutine or function is called—for case, when you're using the co-operative and link (BL) instruction:

main   ; Main program


  BL function1 ; Phone call function1 using Branch with Link instruction.

  ; PC = function1 and

  ; LR = the next educational activity in main



  ...   ; Program code for function 1

  BX LR   ; Render

Despite the fact that bit 0 of the PC is always 0 (because instructions are word aligned or half word aligned), the LR scrap 0 is readable and writable. This is because in the Thumb instruction gear up, bit 0 is ofttimes used to signal ARM/Pollex states. To allow the Thumb-2 programme for the Cortex-M3 to work with other ARM processors that support the Thumb-2 technology, this least significant bit (LSB) is writable and readable.

iii.1.five Program Counter R15

R15 is the PC. Yous tin access it in assembler lawmaking by either R15 or PC. Because of the pipelined nature of the Cortex-M3 processor, when y'all read this annals, you volition discover that the value is different than the location of the executing didactics, unremarkably past four. For example:

0x1000 :   MOV   R0, PC   ; R0 = 0x1004

In other instructions like literal load (reading of a memory location related to current PC value), the effective value of PC might not exist instruction address plus iv due to alignment in address calculation. Simply the PC value is still at least 2 bytes ahead of the instruction address during execution.

Writing to the PC will crusade a branch (merely LRs exercise not become updated). Considering an instruction accost must be one-half word aligned, the LSB (bit 0) of the PC read value is always 0. Withal, in branching, either by writing to PC or using co-operative instructions, the LSB of the target accost should be set to 1 considering information technology is used to betoken the Thumb state operations. If it is 0, it tin can imply trying to switch to the ARM state and will consequence in a fault exception in the Cortex-M3.

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ANDREW N. SLOSS , ... CHRIS WRIGHT , in ARM Organisation Developer's Guide, 2004


The ARM teaching set provides 2 instructions to straight command a plan status register (psr). The MRS instruction transfers the contents of either the cpsr or spsr into a register; in the opposite direction, the MSR instruction transfers the contents of a register into the cpsr or spsr. Together these instructions are used to read and write the cpsr and spsr.

In the syntax you can see a label called fields. This tin can be any combination of control (c), extension (10), status (s), and flags (f). These fields relate to particular byte regions in a psr, every bit shown in Figure 3.9.

Figure 3.9. psr byte fields.

MRS re-create program status register to a general-purpose register Rd = psr
MSR move a general-purpose annals to a plan status register psr[field] = Rm
MSR move an immediate value to a program status register psr[field] = immediate

The c field controls the interrupt masks, Thumb state, and processor mode. Example 3.26 shows how to enable IRQ interrupts by clearing the I mask. This operation involves using both the MRS and MSR instructions to read from and and so write to the cpsr.

Example 3.26

The MSR offset copies the cpsr into annals r1. The BIC instruction clears scrap 7 of r1. Register r1 is and so copied dorsum into the cpsr, which enables IRQ interrupts. You can see from this example that this code preserves all the other settings in the cpsr and only modifies the I bit in the command field.

This example is in SVC mode. In user way you can read all cpsr bits, merely you can only update the condition flag field f.


Coprocessor instructions are used to extend the instruction set up. A coprocessor tin can either provide additional computation capability or exist used to control the memory subsystem including caches and retentiveness management. The coprocessor instructions include information processing, annals transfer, and memory transfer instructions. Nosotros will provide only a short overview since these instructions are coprocessor specific. Note that these instructions are but used by cores with a coprocessor.

CDP coprocessor data processing—perform an operation in a coprocessor
MRC MCR coprocessor register transfer—move information to/from coprocessor registers
LDC STC coprocessor memory transfer—load and store blocks of memory to/from a coprocessor

In the syntax of the coprocessor instructions, the cp field represents the coprocessor number between p0 and p15. The opcode fields depict the operation to take identify on the coprocessor. The Cn, Cm, and Cd fields describe registers inside the coprocessor. The coprocessor operations and registers depend on the specific coprocessor you are using. Coprocessor xv (CP15) is reserved for system control purposes, such as retentiveness management, write buffer command, cache control, and identification registers.

EXAMPLE three.27

This example shows a CP15 register being copied into a general-purpose register.

Here CP15 register-0 contains the processor identification number. This register is copied into the general-purpose annals r10.


CP15 configures the processor core and has a ready of dedicated registers to store configuration information, as shown in Example 3.27. A value written into a register sets a configuration attribute—for example, switching on the enshroud.

CP15 is called the organization control coprocessor. Both MRC and MCR instructions are used to read and write to CP15, where register Rd is the core destination register, Cn is the chief register, Cm is the secondary register, and opcode2 is a secondary register modifier. You may occasionally hear secondary registers called "extended registers."

As an example, here is the instruction to move the contents of CP15 control register c1 into register r1 of the processor cadre:

We use a autograph note for CP15 reference that makes referring to configuration registers easier to follow. The reference notation uses the following format:

The first term, CP15, defines it as coprocessor fifteen. The second term, after the separating colon, is the primary register. The primary annals Ten can accept a value betwixt 0 and 15. The tertiary term is the secondary or extended annals. The secondary register Y can have a value between 0 and xv. The final term, opcode2, is an education modifier and tin have a value between 0 and 7. Some operations may as well use a nonzero value w of opcode1. We write these as CP15:w:cX:cY:Z.

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Overview of the Cortex-M3

Joseph Yiu , in The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M3 (Second Edition), 2010

2.2 Registers

The Cortex-M3 processor has registers R0 through R15 (see Figure two.2). R13 (the stack pointer) is banked, with merely one copy of the R13 visible at a time.

FIGURE 2.2. Registers in the Cortex-M3.

2.two.1 R0–R12: General-Purpose Registers

R0–R12 are 32-fleck general-purpose registers for data operations. Some xvi-bit Thumb ® instructions tin just access a subset of these registers (depression registers, R0–R7).

2.2.2 R13: Stack Pointers

The Cortex-M3 contains two stack pointers (R13). They are banked and then that only 1 is visible at a time. The two stack pointers are as follows:

Main Stack Pointer (MSP): The default stack pointer, used by the operating arrangement (OS) kernel and exception handlers

Process Stack Pointer (PSP): Used by user application code

The lowest 2 bits of the stack pointers are ever 0, which means they are always word aligned.

2.ii.3 R14: The Link Register

When a subroutine is called, the return accost is stored in the link register.

ii.2.iv R15: The Program Counter

The plan counter is the current plan address. This register can exist written to command the program flow.

ii.2.5 Special Registers

The Cortex-M3 processor also has a number of special registers (see Figure 2.three). They are equally follows:

Plan Status registers (PSRs)

Interrupt Mask registers (PRIMASK, FAULTMASK, and BASEPRI)

Command annals (CONTROL)

FIGURE 2.3. Special Registers in the Cortex-M3.

These registers have special functions and can exist accessed just past special instructions. They cannot exist used for normal data processing (see Table 2.1).

Table two.1. Special Registers and Their Functions

Register Office
xPSR Provide arithmetic and logic processing flags (zero flag and carry flag), execution status, and current executing interrupt number
PRIMASK Disable all interrupts except the nonmaskable interrupt (NMI) and hard fault
FAULTMASK Disable all interrupts except the NMI
BASEPRI Disable all interrupts of specific priority level or lower priority level
CONTROL Define privileged status and stack arrow choice

For more information on these registers, see Chapter three.

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Early on Intel® Architecture

In Power and Performance, 2015

ane.1.2 Registers

Aside from the iv segment registers introduced in the previous department, the 8086 has seven full general purpose registers, and two status registers.

The general purpose registers are divided into two categories. Four registers, AX, BX, CX, and DX, are classified as information registers. These information registers are accessible equally either the full xvi-bit register, represented with the X suffix, the low byte of the total 16-flake register, designated with an 50 suffix, or the high byte of the 16-bit register, delineated with an H suffix. For instance, AX would access the total xvi-scrap register, whereas AL and AH would admission the register'south depression and high bytes, respectively.

The second classification of registers are the pointer/index registers. This includes the following iv registers: SP, BP, SI, and DI, The SP register, the stack arrow, is reserved for usage as a pointer to the top of the stack. The SI and DI registers are typically used implicitly equally the source and destination pointers, respectively. Different the data registers, the pointer/index registers are only accessible as full 16-bit registers.

As this categorization may betoken, the general purpose registers come up with some guidance for their intended usage. This guidance is reflected in the educational activity forms with implicit operands. Instructions with implicit operands, that is, operands which are causeless to be a certain annals and therefore don't require that operand to be encoded, permit for shorter encodings for common usages. For convenience, instructions with implicit forms typically as well have explicit forms, which require more than bytes to encode. The recommended uses for the registers are as follows:

AX Accumulator

BX Data (relative to DS)

CX Loop counter

DX Data

SI Source pointer (relative to DS)

DI Destination pointer (relative to ES)

SP Stack pointer (relative to SS)

BP Base of operations arrow of stack frame (relative to SS)

Aside from allowing for shorter didactics encodings, this guidance is besides an aid to the programmer who, once familiar with the diverse register meanings, will be able to deduce the meaning of assembly, bold it conforms to the guidelines, much faster. This parallels, to some degree, how variable names assist the programmer reason about their contents. Information technology's important to note that these are only suggestions, non rules.

Additionally, at that place are two status registers, the educational activity arrow and the flags register.

The instruction pointer, IP, is too oftentimes referred to equally the program counter. This annals contains the memory accost of the adjacent instruction to be executed. Until 64-chip mode was introduced, the pedagogy pointer was not directly accessible to the programmer, that is, it wasn't possible to admission information technology similar the other general purpose registers. Despite this, the education pointer was indirectly accessible. Whereas the instruction pointer couldn't be modified through a MOV instruction, information technology could be modified past whatsoever instruction that alters the plan flow, such as the CALL or JMP instructions.

Reading the contents of the instruction pointer was also possible by taking advantage of how x86 handles function calls. Transfer from one office to another occurs through the Phone call and RET instructions. The CALL pedagogy preserves the electric current value of the instruction arrow, pushing it onto the stack in order to back up nested function calls, and then loads the pedagogy arrow with the new address, provided every bit an operand to the instruction. This value on the stack is referred to as the return address. Whenever the function has finished executing, the RET instruction pops the return address off of the stack and restores it into the didactics pointer, thus transferring control dorsum to the function that initiated the part phone call. Leveraging this, the developer can create a special thunk function that would merely copy the render value off of the stack, load it into one of the registers, so return. For example, when compiling Position-Independent-Code (Movie), which is discussed in Chapter 12, the compiler will automatically add functions that employ this technique to obtain the instruction pointer. These functions are usually called __x86.get_pc_thunk.bx(),, __x86.get_pc_thunk.dx(), and and so on, depending on which register the instruction pointer is loaded.

The second status register, the EFLAGS register, is comprised of 1-bit status and control flags. These bits are set by diverse instructions, typically arithmetic or logic instructions, to indicate certain weather condition. These condition flags can then be checked in order to make decisions. For a listing of the flags modified past each education, see the Intel SDM. The 8086 defined the following status and control bits in EFLAGS:

Zero Flag (ZF) Fix if the result of the instruction is zero.

Sign Flag (SF) Set if the result of the instruction is negative.

Overflow Flag (OF) Set if the result of the instruction overflowed.

Parity Flag (PF) Set if the result has an fifty-fifty number of bits set.

Carry Flag (CF) Used for storing the carry scrap in instructions that perform arithmetics with acquit (for implementing extended precision).

Adjust Flag (AF) Similar to the Deport Flag. In the parlance of the 8086 documentation, this was referred to as the Auxiliary Carry Flag.

Direction Flag (DF) For instructions that either autoincrement or autodecrement a pointer, this flag chooses which to perform. If set, autodecrement, otherwise autoincrement.

Interrupt Enable Flag (IF) Determines whether maskable interrupts are enabled.

Trap Flag (TF) If prepare CPU operates in single-step debugging fashion.

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Intel® Pentium® Processors

In Power and Performance, 2015

2.2.3 Out-of-Order Execution

Equally discussed in Section 2.1.1, prior to the 80486, the processor handled one instruction at a time. As a effect, the processor's resources remained idle while the currently executing pedagogy was not utilizing them. With the introduction of pipelining, the pipeline was partitioned to let multiple instructions to coexist simultaneously. Therefore, when the currently executing teaching had finished with some of the processor'south resources, the next instruction could begin utilizing them before the kickoff educational activity had completely finished executing. The introduction of μops expanded significantly on this concept, splitting instruction execution into smaller steps.

Each type of μop has a corresponding type of execution unit of measurement. The Pentium Pro has five execution units: two for handling integer μops, ii for handling floating point μops, and one for treatment memory μops. Therefore, up to five μops can execute in parallel. An instruction, divided into one or more μops, is non washed executing until all of its respective μops have finished. Plainly, μops from the same instruction have dependencies upon one another so they tin can't all execute simultaneously. Therefore, μops from multiple instructions are dispatched to the execution units.

Taking reward of the fine granularity of μops, out-of-guild execution significantly improves utilization of the execution units. Up until the Pentium Pro, Intel processors executed in-order, pregnant that instructions were executed in the same sequence equally they were organized in retention. With out-of-order execution, μops are scheduled based on the available resources, as opposed to their ordering. Every bit instructions are fetched and decoded, the resulting μops are stored in the Reorder Buffer. As execution units and other resources become bachelor, the Reservation Station dispatches the corresponding μop to ane of the execution units. Once the μop has finished executing, the upshot is stored back into the Reorder Buffer. Once all of the μops associated with an instruction have completed execution, the μops retire, that is, they are removed from the Reorder Buffer and any results or side-effects are fabricated visible to the rest of the arrangement. While instructions can execute in any order, instructions always retire in-society, ensuring that the programmer does not demand to worry about handling out-of-social club execution.

To illustrate the trouble with in-order execution and the benefit of out-of-guild execution, consider the post-obit hypothetical situation. Assume that a processor has two execution units capable of handling integer μops and one capable of handling floating point μops. With in-social club scheduling, the most efficient usage of this processor would be to intermix integer and floating signal instructions post-obit the ii-to-i ratio. This would involve carefully scheduling instructions based on their education latencies, along with the latencies for fetching any memory resources, to ensure that when an execution unit of measurement becomes available, the next μop in the queue would exist executable with that unit of measurement.

For example, consider iv instructions scheduled on this instance processor, iii integer instructions followed past a floating point pedagogy. Assume that each instruction corresponds to one μop, that these instructions have no interdependencies, and that all three execution units are currently available. The first two integer instructions would be dispatched to the 2 available integer execution units, but the floating signal didactics would non be dispatched, even though the floating point execution unit of measurement was available. This is because the third integer education, waiting for one of the 2 integer execution units to become available, must be issued start. This underutilizes the processor'southward resources. With out-of-society execution, the showtime two integer instructions and the floating point instruction would be dispatched together.

In other words, out-of-society execution improves the utilization of the processor's resources. Additionally, because μops are scheduled based on bachelor resource, some instruction latencies, such as an expensive load from memory, may be partially or completely masked if other work can be scheduled instead.

Annals Renaming

From the didactics set up perspective, Intel processors accept eight general purpose registers in 32-bit style, and xvi full general purpose registers in 64-bit mode, however, from the internal hardware perspective, Intel processors take many more registers. For example, the Pentium Pro has forty registers, organized in a structure referred to every bit a Concrete Register File.

While this many extra registers might seem like a performance benefaction, especially if the reader is familiar with the operation gain received from the 8 extra registers in 64-bit mode, these registers serve a different purpose. Rather than providing the process with more registers, these actress registers serve to handle data dependencies in the out-of-order execution engine.

When a value is stored into a register, a new register file entry is assigned to contain that value. Once another value is stored into that register, a dissimilar register file entry is assigned to incorporate this new value. Internal to the processor cadre, each data dependency on the first value will reference the commencement entry, and each data dependency on the second value volition reference the 2nd entry. Therefore, the out-of-order engine is able to execute instructions in an lodge that would otherwise be impossible due to imitation data dependencies.

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Load/store and co-operative instructions

Larry D. Pyeatt , William Ughetta , in ARM 64-Fleck Assembly Linguistic communication, 2020

3.two AArch64 user registers

Equally shown in Fig. 3.2 , the AArch64 ISA provides 31 general-purpose registers, which are called

Image 2


Image 3

. These registers tin can each shop 64 $.25 of information. To utilise all 64 bits, they are referred to as

Image 4


Image 5

(capitalization is optional). To use simply the lower (least meaning) 32 bits, they are referred to as

Image 6

. Since each register has a 64-flake proper name and a 32-bit proper noun, we use

Image 7


Image 8

to specify a annals without specifying the number of bits. For instance, when we refer to

Image 9

, we are really referring to either

Image 10


Image 11


Figure 3.2

Figure 3.2. AArch64 general purpose registers (

Image 1
) and special registers.

3.2.1 Full general purpose registers

The general-purpose registers are each used according to specific conventions. These rules are defined in the application binary interface (ABI). The AArch64 ABI is called AAPCS64. The difference between callee saved and caller saved registers will besides exist explained in Department 5.4.4.


Image 12
are used for passing arguments when calling a procedure or part Registers
Image 13
are scratch registers and can be used at any fourth dimension because no assumptions are made near what they contain. They are chosen scratch registers considering they are useful for holding temporary results of calculations. Registers
Image 14
can also be used as scratch registers, but their contents must be saved before they are used, and restored to their original contents earlier the procedure exits.

Some of the registers have alternate names. For example,

Image 15
is as well known as
Image 16
. Most of these alternate names are only of interest to people writing compilers and operating systems. However, two of these registers are of interest to all AArch64 programmers.

3.2.2 Frame pointer

The frame arrow,

Image 17
, is used by high-level language compilers to track the current stack frame. This register can be helpful when the plan is running nether a debugger, and tin can sometimes help the compiler to generate more efficient lawmaking for returning from a subroutine. The GNU C compiler can be instructed to use
Image 17
every bit a general-purpose register past using the –fomit-frame-pointer command line pick. The apply of
Image 17
as the frame pointer is a programming convention. Some instructions ( thousand. branches) implicitly modify the program counter, the link register, and even the stack pointer, so they are considered to be hardware special registers. Equally far every bit the hardware is concerned, the frame pointer is exactly the same as the other full general-purpose registers, only AArch64 programmers use information technology for the frame pointer because of the ABI.

three.2.3 PSTATE register


Image 18

annals contains bits that bespeak the status of the current process, including information well-nigh the results of previous operations. Fig. 3.iii shows all of its bits. The dashed lines indicate unused infinite that may exist reserved for future AArch64 architectural extensions. The

Image 18

register is actually a collection of independent fields, well-nigh of which are only used by the operating organisation. User programs make use of the first four $.25, Due north, Z, C, and V. These are referred to equally the condition flags field. Most instructions can change these flags, and later instructions can use the flags to command their operation. Their meaning is as follows:


This bit is ready to one if the signed consequence of an performance is negative, and set up to nothing if the effect is positive or nothing.


This bit is gear up to 1 if the effect of an operation is nothing, and set to zero if the result is not-zip.


This bit is set to ane if an add together performance results in a conduct out of the most meaning bit, or if a subtract functioning results in a borrow. For shift operations, this flag is prepare to the last fleck shifted out by the shifter.


For improver and subtraction, this flag is ready if a signed overflow occurred.

Figure 3.3

Figure 3.3. Fields in the PSTATE register.

3.2.4 Link register

The procedure link register,

Image 5
, is used to concord the return address for subroutines. Certain instructions cause the programme counter to be copied to the link register, and so the programme counter is loaded with a new address. These branch-and-link instructions are briefly covered in Department three.5 and in more than detail in Department 5.4. The link register could theoretically be used equally a scratch annals, but its contents are modified past hardware when a subroutine is chosen, in order to relieve the right return address. Using
Image 5
equally a general-purpose register is dangerous and is strongly discouraged.

3.2.five Stack pointer

The programme stack was introduced in Section i.4. The stack pointer,

Image 19
, is used to hold the address where the stack ends. This is commonly referred to equally the top of the stack, although on most systems the stack grows downwards and the stack pointer really refers to the lowest address in the stack. The address where the stack ends may change when registers are pushed onto the stack, or when temporary local variables (automatic variables) are allocated or deleted. The use of the stack for storing automatic variables is described in Affiliate 5. The stack pointer tin only be modified or read by a pocket-sized prepare of instructions.

3.2.six Zero register

The zilch annals,

Image 20
, tin exist referred to as a 64-scrap register,
Image 21
, or a 32-bit register,
Image 22
. It always has the value zero. Most instructions tin can utilize the aught register equally an operand, even as a destination annals. If this is the instance, the pedagogy will not change the destination annals. Nonetheless, it tin still have side furnishings, including updating the
Image 18
flags based on the ALU functioning and incrementing a register in pre-indexed or post-indexed addressing. The zilch register cannot always be used equally an operand. It shares the same binary encoding with the stack pointer register,
Image 19
, which is the value
Image 23
. Some instructions can access the zilch annals, while others can admission the stack pointer.

3.ii.7 Program counter

The programme counter,

Image 24
, always contains the accost of the next instruction that will be executed. The processor increments this register by four, automatically, later each pedagogy is fetched from memory. By moving an accost into this register, the developer can cause the processor to fetch the adjacent instruction from the new accost. This gives the programmer the ability to jump to any address and begin executing code in that location. Only a small number of instructions can access the
Image 24
straight. For case instructions that create a PC-relative address, such every bit
Image 25
, and instructions which load a register, such every bit
Image 26
, are able to access the program counter directly.

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Knights Landing architecture

Jim Jeffers , ... Avinash Sodani , in Intel Xeon Phi Processor Loftier Operation Programming (2nd Edition), 2016

Integer execution unit

The IEU executes integer μops, which are defined as those that operate on full general-purpose registers R0–R15 (i.e., RAX, RCX, RDX, RBX, RSP, RBP, RSI, RDI, R8…R15). There are 2 IEUs in the core. Each IEU contains 12-entry RS that problems ane μop per cycle. The Integer RSes are fully out-of-order in their scheduling. Most operations accept 1-cycle latency and are supported by both IEUs, just a few operations have 3- or v-cycles latency (e.g., multiplies) and are just supported past 1 of the IEUs.

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Calculator Data Processing Hardware Compages

Paul J. Fortier , Howard Due east. Michel , in Computer Systems Performance Evaluation and Prediction, 2003

2.three.1 Instruction types

Based on the number of registers available and the configuration of these registers several types of educational activity are possible—for instance, if many registers are available, every bit would be the example in a stack computer, no address computations are needed and the instruction, therefore, can be much shorter both in format and execution fourth dimension required. On the other hand, if there are no full general registers and all computations are performed by memory movements of data, then instructions will exist longer and require more fourth dimension due to operand fetching and storage. The following are representative of instruction types:

0-address instructions—This type of pedagogy is found in machines where many general-purpose registers are bachelor. This is the case in stack machines and in some reduced instruction set machines. Instructions of this type perform their office totally using registers. If we have three general registers, A, B, and C, a typical format would have the form:

(2.1) R [ A ] < R [ B ] operator R [ C ]

which indicates that the contents of registers B and C have the operator (such as add together, decrease, multiply, etc.) performed on them, with the result stored in general register C. Similarly, we could describe instructions that utilise just one or two registers as follows:

(ii.two) R [ B ] < R [ B ] operator R [ C ]


(2.3) operator R [ C ]

which represents two-register and 1-register instructions, respectively. In the two-register case one of the operand registers is also used as the consequence annals. In the unmarried-register case the operand register is as well the result register. The increment instruction is an example of one-register teaching. This type of education is constitute in all machines.

1-address instructions—In this type of instruction a unmarried retentiveness address is found in the teaching. If another operand is used, it is typically an accumulator or the pinnacle of a stack in a stack computer. The typical format of these instructions has the course:

(2.4) operator G [ address ]

where the contents of the named memory accost accept the named operator performed on them in conjunction with an implied special register. An example of such an instruction could exist equally follows:

(ii.5) Movement M [ 100 ]


(two.6) Add M [ 100 ]

which moves the contents of memory location 100 into the ALU'south accumulator or adds the contents of memory address 100 with the accumulator and stores the result in the accumulator. If the outcome must be stored in memory, we would need a store instruction:

(2.7) Store Thou [ 100 ]

ane-and-l/2-address instructions—Once we have an architecture that has some general-purpose registers, we can provide more than advanced operations combining memory contents and the general registers. The typical education performs an functioning on a memory location'south contents with that of a general register—for case, we could add the contents of a memory location with the contents of a general register, A, as shown:

(2.8) Add R [ A ] , M [ 100 ]

This instruction typically stores the result in the get-go named location or register in the teaching. In this example information technology is annals A.

2-address instructions—Two accost instructions use two memory locations to perform an teaching—for example, a block move of N words from one location in memory to some other, or a block add. The move may appear as follows:

(ii.9) Move N , M [ 100 ] , M [ chiliad ]

2-and-l/two-address instructions—This format uses two memory locations and a full general register in the instruction. Typical of this type of educational activity is an functioning involving ii retention locations storing the result in a register or an operation with a general register and a memory location storing the effect on another retention location, as shown:

(two.ten) R [ A ] > > M [ 100 ] operator M [ 1000 ] G [ 1000 ] > > Thousand [ 100 ] operator R [ A ]

3-address instructions—Some other less common form of instruction format is the 3-address education. These instructions involve three memory locations—two used for operands and one as the results location. A typical format is shown:

(two.11) Chiliad [ 200 ] > > M [ 100 ] operator Grand [ 300 ]

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Advanced Encryption Standard

Tom St Denis , Simon Johnson , in Cryptography for Developers, 2007

x86 Performance

The AMD Opteron achieves a nice boost due to the addition of the 8 new general-purpose registers. If we examine the GCC output for x86_64 and x86_32 platforms, we can run into a nice departure between the two ( Tabular array 4.2).

Tabular array four.two. First Quarter of an AES Round

Both snippets accomplish (at least) the first MixColumns footstep of the first round in the loop. Note that the compiler has scheduled part of the 2d MixColumns during the first to achieve higher parallelism. Even though in Tabular array 4.2 the x86_64 code looks longer, it executes faster, partially considering information technology processes more of the second MixColumns in roughly the aforementioned time and makes skillful utilize of the extra registers.

From the x86_32 side, we tin can clearly see various spills to the stack (in bold). Each of those costs united states three cycles (at a minimum) on the AMD processors (two cycles on near Intel processors). The 64-bit code was compiled to have cypher stack spills during the chief loop of rounds. The 32-bit code has almost 15 stack spills during each round, which incurs a penalization of at to the lowest degree 45 cycles per round or 405 cycles over the course of the 9 total rounds.

Of class, nosotros practise not run into the full punishment of 405 cycles, as more than one opcode is beingness executed at the same time. The penalisation is also masked past parallel loads that are also on the disquisitional path (such as loads from the Te tables or round fundamental). Those delays occur anyways, so the fact that we are also loading (or storing to) the stack at the same time does not add to the bike count.

In either case, we tin improve upon the lawmaking that GCC (4.i.1 in this example) emits. In the 64-scrap lawmaking, we see a pairing of "shrq $24, %rdx" and "and1 $255,%edx". The andl operation is not required since simply the lower 32 $.25 of %rdx are guaranteed to have annihilation in them. This potentially saves up to 36 cycles over the class of nine rounds (depending on how the andl operation pairs upwards with other opcodes).

With the 32-fleck code, the double loads from (%esp) (lines 2 and iii) incur a needless three-cycle penalty. In the case of the AMD Athlon (and Opterons), the load store unit of measurement will brusque the load operation (in certain circumstances), simply the load volition always take at least three cycles. Changing the second load to "movl %edx,%ebx" means that we stall waiting for %edx, but the penalty is only one cycle, not three. That change solitary will complimentary upward at most nine*2*four = 72 cycles from the ix rounds.

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Embedded Processor Architecture

Peter Barry , Patrick Crowley , in Modern Embedded Computing, 2012

Annals Operands

Source and destination operands can be any of the follow registers depending on the educational activity being executed:

32-fleck general purpose registers (EAX, EBC, ECX, EDX, ESI, EDI, ESP, or EBP)

16-flake general purpose registers (AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, SP, BP)

8-chip full general-purpose registers (AH, BH, CH, DH, AL, BL, CL, DL)

Segment registers

EFLAGS register


Control (CR0 through CR4)

Organisation Table registers (such as the Interrupt Descriptor Table register)

Debug registers

Machine-specific registers

On RISC embedded processors, in that location are more often than not fewer limitations in the registers that can be used past instructions. IA-32 often reduces the registers that can exist used every bit operands for certain instructions.

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